Interview with Brandon DiCamillo HOW CLOSE HAS BAM COME TO KILLING YOU? He threw me out of a truck. I fell into a tree and kind of got impaled. A branch stuck into my appendix. HAS HE SENT YOU TO THE HOSPITAL YET? Yeah, he broke my hand. He was on my back, and we were sliding down this icy hill and fell. He landed on my hand. HOW DID YOU AND BAM MEET? In high school we had a class where we had to do video projects. He played his shit and I played mine. His videos had him and his frineds fucking around. My tape had my friends and me doing crazy shit. So we all just got together back then. WHAT WAS ON THOSE TAPES? A lot of fucking around with dummies and fake blood. Kind of the same shit we do now but maybe a little rougher. We didn't know what we were doing. DO YOU SKATE? Nah. When I was little, I loved it, but I stopped when I couldn't ollie. Bam and his friends always make fun of me because I always ask about Steve Caballero. I want to meet that guy. HAVE YOU BEEN OFFERED ANY ENDORSEMENT DEALS? No, but I just went on a Hook-Ups tour with Jeremy Klein. He flew me out and it was crazy. It's gonna be on video soon so I can't talk about it. But that shit is gonna be off the wall. Some crazy shit. WERE YOU SIGNING AUTOGRAPHS? Yeah, it was crazy. Kids were like "Sign this." I was like "what do you mean?" Little kids around here are like "Yo, let me get a video." I just hook them up. DO YOU GUYS EVER GET SO PISSED YOU ACTUALLY START FIGHTING?No. We never even argue. It's weird. HOW COME YOU NEVER MESS WITH KERRY GETZ OR MIKE MALDONADO? I met them through Bam, so I don't know them well enough to start beating on them. I'm cool with them, but I don't think Kerry likes to get crazy like that. The go crazy with their skating. They're already breaking themselves, so I don't think they want to get hurt just goofing around. Mike let me drag him into a swamp. It was fucking sick, dude. DO YOU EVER MESS WITH BAM'S DAD? I hit him in the head with a shoe while he was sleeping. He hit me with a plastic KFC football. It hurt. HAVE THE COPS EVER BUSTED YOU? No, you could usually just talk your way out of it. They're pretty stupid. WHAT ABOUT SOME CRAZY THINGS YOU NEVER CAUGHT ON VIDEO? There was a guy who grabbed me by the collar and started throwing me around. I just had to take it. He was so pissed that I thought he was going to stab me or something. We were just going around asking people stupid questions and telling them to fuck off. We catch most people off guard, so they don't know how to take it. But once in a while they get steamed. WHAT LEVEL ARE YOU TRYING TO TAKE THIS TO? All I want to do is film without having to go to school. My mission is to keep doing this and stay out of school. I want to get more into full-on films. Bam's in Nebraska right now filming for a movie that Steve Berra's directing. He called me two days ago and he's so psyched. DO YOU THINK THAT YOU COULD BEAT "THE TOM GREEN SHOW" IN THE RATINGS IF YOU HAD THE BRANDON AND BAM SHOW? Oh hell yeah. He's pretty funny though. DO YOU HAVE A JOB? I work at Neiman Marcus putting clothes in boxes and shipping them out. I'm getting ready to quit so I can film.
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